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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The Beauty Of Marriage And Forgiveness!

Is your marriage locked up tight because you need to forgive your spouse?

When our marriage becomes locked up and a spouse has thrown away the key, nothing productive will happen for it - the marriage remains stagnant and that's not good. We open up our marriage when we accept our spouse for who they are, faults and all. Of course this does not mean that when a spouse is purposely *sinning* against the marriage, we should accept that! No way.

Be a good example to them instead. This lets them know that what they are doing is wrong for the marriage. Be an encourager and build up your spouse.

That's what marriage is for.

Did you know we have to

forgive and love and accept our spouse on a daily basis? That's right ... daily basis! The kind of forgiveness I am talking about is not a one time forgiveness over some huge sin your spouse committed against you or the marriage such as adultery. I'm talking about a recurring forgiveness over a spouse's annoying habits and weaknesses every single day of the marriage, and that takes acceptance.

No one likes to be criticized or browbeaten because they eat too fast, talk to fast, nag too much, or eat too much dessert. Your spouse is not perfect by any means, and neither are you, so if we expect them to be perfect, we'll surely become disappointed in them and their annoying little habits.

I encourage couples to accept and forgive when those annoying little habits pop up out of nowhere.

*Please if you have more nugget on this topic, let us know with your comments, thanks*

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