Eucharia Anunobi is a reputable actress who came to the limelight with her role in the movie Glamour Girls. Today, she is an Evangelist in the Lord’s vineyard. In this chanced encounter with TOPE OLUKOLE, she reveals her journey in life, including her failed marriage, evangelism and her future plan for a new husband.
How do you intend to do the work of God, being a young woman and a single mother?
I don’t have a love life. When I say I don’t have a love life, that does not mean people are not chasing me. Good of course, people are chasing me alright, but, if in the sense of trying to have what you call boyfriend, no. I am not doing that, but I rather would say what I am praying for, is for a partner who will become my husband. I hope he will come as soon as possible. But before then, I am not getting derailed because my bible is keeping me very busy.
I don’t have a love life. When I say I don’t have a love life, that does not mean people are not chasing me. Good of course, people are chasing me alright, but, if in the sense of trying to have what you call boyfriend, no. I am not doing that, but I rather would say what I am praying for, is for a partner who will become my husband. I hope he will come as soon as possible. But before then, I am not getting derailed because my bible is keeping me very busy.
It puts me on my toes. I know that there are temptations in life, here and there. So, I am saying that in the not-too-distant future my partner will emerge; and then having been single will be out of the question, but I am not worried about it. My bible is keeping me very busy with the work of the gospel, going about is keeping me busy. I know and understand and appreciate your concern, so, you help me to pray too that he that God created for me should find me soon and I should find him too.
There is this insinuation that you became an evangelist just to make men believe in you for marriage. How true is this?
No, why believe in me? Men have belief in me. They have been coming for me. Everything good is supposed to come from God. I think that would be a wrong assumption. I can find a man anyway, men are everywhere. When I got married, I still had God with me. I was not ordained when I got the first marriage.
No, why believe in me? Men have belief in me. They have been coming for me. Everything good is supposed to come from God. I think that would be a wrong assumption. I can find a man anyway, men are everywhere. When I got married, I still had God with me. I was not ordained when I got the first marriage.
Did I not get a man when I was not ordained? So, if I get a man now that I am ordained, it will be even better because I am going to get that man in the vineyard of the Lord- a man who is refined and prepared by God. The whole joy of being ordained is being a carrier of the gospel and being an example for other people to spread the message of God, to let peace reign among men, and this is what I am here for. But if a man comes from the vineyard of God, it is well and good.
If you remarry, what would you do differently from the past?
Well, I won’t do anything different because I think I did everything I could in the course of my first marriage. I have asked myself a thousand times, in the past, where did I go wrong, because, you know, if you don’t tell yourself the truth, no one will tell you.
Well, I won’t do anything different because I think I did everything I could in the course of my first marriage. I have asked myself a thousand times, in the past, where did I go wrong, because, you know, if you don’t tell yourself the truth, no one will tell you.
I have analysed my situation, asking, “is it that I didn’t give out enough love or I gave too much love or I didn’t cook enough food?” But when I put myself on the scale of justice, I think and will say I go quickly loudly, that I am the best woman that any man can have. I am the best wife material that any man can have and I know that God who has created me in His order of vision, created me well for a man. So, I wouldn’t have done something differently. But let me round it off by saying you can rather put a good thing in a bad place or a bad thing in a good place, either of the two.
Did you see yourself doing the right thing when you were in a marital relationship?
Yes, definitely. No one ever enters marriage and says I am going to get divorced. Yes, I was doing the right thing. Marriage needs the right approval of all involved in it. Yes, I did the right thing in the course of living in the marriage.
Yes, definitely. No one ever enters marriage and says I am going to get divorced. Yes, I was doing the right thing. Marriage needs the right approval of all involved in it. Yes, I did the right thing in the course of living in the marriage.
Even as you are not having a relationship recently, what would you want in a man?
Well, let the man come first. It is then I will see what I like in him or not.
Well, let the man come first. It is then I will see what I like in him or not.
Are you saying you can still fall in love again?
Oh! Yes. Of course, I will love and fall in love again, as long as the right man comes. The right man means the man that has got the spirit of God in him. Why not? And the sky will be no limit. I am open to love. So, I want love to be open to me too. I am not going to do something differently, but maybe I will just do much more- if I bought one chocolate then, maybe I will buy two now, if I bought one flower then, I am going to buy two flowers now. I will still love, I will still be a very prayerful wife. I will be an obedient wife and do more than I did then. I am going to love and love again someday.
Oh! Yes. Of course, I will love and fall in love again, as long as the right man comes. The right man means the man that has got the spirit of God in him. Why not? And the sky will be no limit. I am open to love. So, I want love to be open to me too. I am not going to do something differently, but maybe I will just do much more- if I bought one chocolate then, maybe I will buy two now, if I bought one flower then, I am going to buy two flowers now. I will still love, I will still be a very prayerful wife. I will be an obedient wife and do more than I did then. I am going to love and love again someday.
This is the kind of life style that every actist or actress should live on and not what we see this days i say to uk more grace to your able