What is fake? Simply, something that is not genuine or authentic, counterfeit that produces contrary result from the original. The result are usually harmful to the victim.
In our country, most of these people that are involved in this evil act of imitation or faking have been smiling to the bank at the expense of innocent victims.
The Government, through security agencies have fought tooth and nail to put an end to the evil act, the fight seems endless, though. This is due to some security agents complicity.
At least the government have stood it ground in some areas. It has been paying off. We are trying to heave a sign of relieves in the case of fake drugs which prof. Dora Akuyili fought with passion to a stand still.
However, some foreigners in our land have now device another brand of Fake product. We now have fake Ghanian Lawyer in our soil doing business of fake legal practice. Surprisingly, a 74-year-old Ghanaian, Keinde Dodo, without honour has been operating fake chambers for over 15 years in Nigeria. Perhaps, appearing in court and announcing as a lawyer... "My lord, keinde Dodo for the accused..."
As they say, everyday for the thief one day for the owner. No wonder An Igbosere Magistrate's Court, Lagos on Thursday sentenced a Keinde Dodo, to five years imprisonment for pretending to be a lawyer and representing litigants in courts in Nigeria for 15 years.
For detail of this story click the link bellow
How come nobody suspected him all this while?
In legal practice we have legal languages which the bar and the bench understand somewhat exclusively. We have call mates, age, and even university attended are easy way to identify who is who in legal practice. Those in private employment are known by their class mates. And nobody ask Dodo who he was?
It simply means that nobody asks question and nobody cares these days anymore, except to pursue money senselessly with vigour.
Thanks to the eagle eyes of the policemen who couldn't miss the identity of the fake 74 years old lawyer with the genuine ones in our society.
Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) has a lot of work to do.
Business lawyer play a crucial part in the economic climate by their capability to assist in such dealings which are often large and complicated.
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