Two nights ago, Beyonce gave birth to her first child with husband Jay-Z, daughter Blue Ivy Carter. The name quickly skyrocketed to the number one trending topic in the world on Twitter (actually Ivy Blue trended, but this morning we found out the name is really Blue Ivy).
Though some very weird and funny tweets have been circulating concerning Ivy Blue such as:
"Ivy Blue = I.B = imaginary Baby""I.v.y = Illuminati's VeryYoungest. B.l.u.e = Born Living Under Evil!Ivy Blue backwards is (Eulb Yvi) which means Lucifer's daughter"But what does the name really mean? Let us break it down for you.
We'll start with the baby's first name:
Blue- The obvious; Jay-Z's franchise albums have been called the Blueprint. Blue consist of 4 letters which can be linked to Beyonce's love for the number four, and a tribute to her husband.
As far as the color blue, it's considered the coolest color of the spectrum. Ancient Egyptian used blue to represent the heavens. Blue also symbolizes the Virgin Mary. The color represents inspiration, sincerity and spirituality.
Ivy- Beyonce has gone on record saying how important the number "4" is to her. She told Billboard Magazine, "We all have special numbers in our lives, and 4 is that for me. It's the day I was born. My mother's birthday, and a lot of my friends' birthdays, are on the fourth; April 4 is my wedding date."
With the number being so special to her, it makes sense that she would incorporate her favorite number into her child's name.
Ivy contains the Roman numeral IV as it's first two letters, which we all know is the number 4. The name itself Ivy comes from the plant which symbolizes eternity. Greek and Roman societies admired the ivy plant for its hardiness and longevity. They believed the plant aided fertility. Could this mean more children for Beyonce and Hova?
DETAILS: Important
Ivy started as a symbol of eternal life in the Pagan world and then came to represent new promise and eternal life in the Christian world. The plant has a lot of spiritual meaning as well, it's considered a symbol of woman, and if put together with Holly (the symbol of man) at Christmas, it would bring peace in a home between a husband and wife.
When you put the names together, Blue Ivy Carter is filled with meaning and personality and a perfect fit for the first child of Hip Pop royalties/personalities!
wow its shoking
wonders shall never end.
Awesome, very interesting :)
Pls spare us all dis....beyonce and jay-z are members of illuminati and therer baby is lucifer's child sent to cum and pollute the world...they need christ
You are all sick get lives she is a beautiful baby born to super stars you are being haters
well...haters or not..that baby definitely needs God's intervention and the parents themselves need Christ..period!!
well the baby is mos def lucifers child and they r all going to hell sad to say the baby to......
People, the color Blue is Royalty, period. Micheal Jackson was the lasted king royalty his color was blue. Veiw his videos, the color blue means communication, communicator, and much more. The serpant was more subtil (wise-owl) than any beast of the field (nations) which LORD GOD had made. STUDY, READ to show yourself approve and lasted Pray. Ephesians 1.15-23, my prayer.
"Ivy Blue = I.B = imaginary Baby"
"I.v.y = Illuminati's Very
Youngest. B.l.u.e = Born Living Under Evil!
Ivy Blue backwards is (Eulb Yvi) which means Lucifer's daughter"
But what does the name really mean? Let us break it down for you.
How are you going to say one thing and turn around and say another
I think this is all bs and illuminatti should be destroyed forreal
Ivy was in high esteem among the ancients and its leaves formed the poet’s crown. The ivy was dedicated to the Roman god Bacchus (the Greek god Dionysus, see “The Vine”), the God of Intoxication who is often depicted wearing a wreath of ivy and grapevines. He is also depicted holding a chalice and carrying a thyrsus (a wand) which was also entwined with ivy and vine leaves. Ivy leaves were thought to prevent intoxication and the binding of the brow with ivy was seen as a counterbalance to the vine. Old writers tell us that the effects of intoxication by wine are removed if a handful of ivy leaves are bruised and gently boiled in wine and drunk. In former days old English taverns bore a sign of an ivy bush over their doors, this to indicate the excellence of the liquor supplied within, hence the old saying “A good wine needs no bush”.
let us hope that it is only a child’s name.
All of this is just crazy!! jay-z and beyonce are apart of the illumnati if we can't proove anything the baby is linked to it somehow. The same people who know that it's true are the same ones covering it up and saying it false, reality is IT'S ALL TRUE. The whole lucifer thing is false because lucifer did't have a daughter!! Believe it or not that baby is going to reveal so many things about the illumnati we just have to be prepared, The whole IVY= IV= 4 could be true but it could also be a coincidence!!!!!
What they are trying to say is that jay-z is the leader of the illuminati's and that he has now got a daughter. This is all evil and they do need God but they all say that they do believe in God but this is just another thing they believe in aswell. and i think if you believe in God you wouldnt be looking up something that is evil because when you go looking for evil you will find it
The meaning of that name explain a lot of thing. The surname "carter" also have a lot of meanings.
Not to mention they had a miscarrage before blue ivy,and it wouldnt b a suprice if it was nt realy a miscarrge but they sacrifised with that baby so to get more moola.wooooooooo
Well it's only a darn baby, it doesn't know what's going on in life yet, it's still growing. The name may be evil, but who knows, maybe the baby will grow up to be the opposite of evil...
love da name!.
Mix up the letters and you get - blue ivy = buy evil!!! Makes you think twice!?!?
People and this illuminati, who knows...
interesting name for the baby but i like it
anythn cn be twistd 2 mean somthn. I dnt believ ths.
yes some of this illuminati is bogus but people must ask themselves, do you read and study the Bible or at least research what is going on around us. These are the biggest names in the industry and it wouldnt surprise me if they were being used to have influence overr God's children. The devil is real please believe that, but you don't have to give in to evil. Some of the blogs are bogus and far fetched but symbolism is being used heavy in their videos and songs and their is such thing as backmasking which are subliminal messages. Just read and do research, you don't have to believe everything that is posted on the internet but using the common sense that God gave us and opening your eyes to the obvious will set you free from modern day society brainwashing! Its not just about Jay and Bey it goes beyond them but they dominate the music side so just listen to the lyrics if you don't believe, watch the videos in slow motion, they are things that go unnoticed but pay close attention and don't be fooled. None of us are perfect and all fall short but don't let money and fame influence you to do things, say things, act out things that are not of God, because when his son Jesus returns we will all be held responsible! Including myself for my sins, but I am glad I am seeing that some people will do anything for a dollar and these are the people that our generation looks up to. God bless them all, not hating, because most people don't know what to do with all that money and easily let evil consume them (money, sex, greed, gluttony, exploitation). The devil is everywhere trying to gain souls, politics, school, music all you can do is try to raise our kids right and strong minded so they are not easily influenced. I believe in God's power I don't worship false prophets or gods, symbols or anything else! Its ok if you dont understand but at least do research first before you dismiss whats right in front of our face! Google or go to the library and look up baphomet, all seeing eye, goat symbolism, and also there are good videos on Youtube that people have really done alot of research and you see the clear connection of the symbols that these celebs wear and use in their videos. I think I'm through explaining because the truth is there if you want to find it and if you continue to idolize these people you are just as guilty after knowing what they stand for! I think singing some of the songs just for fun is ok but knowing their true meaning is important, see "backmasking", and listen to many of Bey's song backwards...why you ask because knowledge is power and alot of satanic rituals and text is backwards! I'll leave you with that, this shouldnt scare people but keep their eyes open to whats out there! "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the Lord has given us POWER"! Amen (oh yeah read revelations in dept and you will get a better understanding of whats really going on around you in our world today).
Just do your research and dont be naive about worldly things that go on arond you! You don't have to believe every little thing but its right there for you to see if just study read and research! There is such thing as "backmasking" as the devil loves to trick God's people, so alot of messages are backwards and that did not just start in modern century! Just like God is real the devil is too and you are on one side or the other whetehr you realize it or not. I am not a perfect christian but I would never purposely blaspheme God's name and give into satanic rituals, worshipping, for money power none of that! My soul is not worth that! Research the symbolism that is used frequently in all of their videos, the "baphomet" you see this alot in Jay and Bey's videos, the hand symbos they use all the time don't just throw them up know what it really stands for and not just what someone else tells you to think. God has blessed his children with common sense and bright minds! We are all responsible for our own actions and will have to answer to Jesus in the end but he gives us fair warning and chances! When you discover some disturbing truths about not only celebs you idolize but politicians and other FAMOUS BILLIONAIRES don't be scared but pray for them and their souls because God has not given us the spirit of fear but the lord has given us "POWER".
Really wat is it any of you bisness all u ppl s that bablys going to hel why do you care
This child is beautiful dont prejudge this baby was brot into the world for a purpose like everyone else. And y is it your bisness I like to know but y r u like that. One q have u met them if u hav not them really.
Ps. Im a pre teen but im smart enough to know that ur r tards
I agree big time
Omg yall wrong lil baby in a gang now what if some body smoke her what the hell she gone do
I personally don't think its a coincidence at all they r devil worshipers and the songs they promote go against the word of god and there babys name backwards means lucifers daughter how is that a coincidence
We all know dat God is real n He'll come bek one day to judge u n pls pray for da celebs n their baby to save their souls.we must knw dat God is da creator n is powerful n can make dem change to b gud.
God makes the babys not lucifer so u need to get it right and have shame onyourself god bless u acusing a innocent little naby how dare u
Yall call yall self fans of b and jay and just tlalk bs bout them god have mercy on yall soul mabey its not the baby whi has the devil inside it is therefore u
Such a beautiful name bt it iz nt a gud thng 2 name ur child az an imaginery baby. Actually I dnt believe in ths Iluminatti thng I believe in God thr saviour